DevOps Tools

  1. Jenkins:-

    - Jenkins is a CI CD software

    CI: Continuous Integration

    CD: Continuous Deployment/Delivery

    - We can automate the build & deployment process

    - In Jenkins, we will create Jobs to perform

    - Jenkins job will do below activities:

    • Download code from Git Hub

    • Compile & Package code using Maven

    • Perform code review using Sonar Qube

    • Store artifacts in Nexus

    • Deploy the project into the server

    • Send a Deployment status email to the team

  2. Ansible :-

    - It is used for Configuration Management

    • Installing software

    • Server Restart

    • Updating the software

    • Data backup

    • code deployment

  3. Terraform :-

    - Used to create infrastructure as code

  4. Docker :-

    - It is containerization software

    - It is used to run applications using containers

    - It will simplify the application deployment process

  5. Kubernetes (K8S) :-

    - It is an orchestration platform

    - To scale our docker containers we are going to use Kubernetes

  6. Graphana & Prometheus :-

    - These are monitoring tools

    • Application performance monitoring

    • Application exception monitoring

    • Database performance monitoring

We will discuss Docker and Kubernetes in depth for upcoming blog.